As we face the uncertainty created by the corona virus (COVID-19), protecting the health and well being of our firm members and clients is a top priority for us. We are actively monitoring news and reports from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local health agencies, and are taking proactive steps to help ensure our attorneys and staff stay healthy and the firm maintains the ability to provide our clients with uninterrupted high quality service. Toward that end, we are temporarily closing our offices to the public.
Be assured that we are continuing to work for you and our operations continue uninterrupted. We remain available to both current and future clients by phone, email, facsimile, etc. (contact information below). While in-person meetings are valuable and are sometimes the most efficient means of communication, we thank you in advance for your understanding and support of our temporary preference for telephone and video-conferenced meetings when possible.
Current and future clients can contact us to schedule a telephone appointment with one of our attorneys, by phone (856-751-4224), or by email (, or (for appointment requests only please)).
The handling of COURT HEARINGS is evolving as the Courts and the United States and Bankruptcy Trustees adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the COVID-19 crisis. Unless specifically instructed by our office, at present no in person client appearances are required for cases pending in the Camden Vicinage. Telephone hearings will be held in many cases – you should be available by phone on the date and time already scheduled. We will contact you by email and/or telephone with specific instructions no later than the day before the hearing. For cases pending in the Trenton or Newark Vicinage, no in person appearances at the Trustee’s office are required at this time, however you may be required to attend a hearing by video conference from our office in Cherry Hill. We will contact you by email and/or telephone with specific instructions no later than the day before the hearing.
DOCUMENT DROP OFF can be done by email (, facsimile (888-635-5933), or in person to the locked mailbox located on the outside of our Cherry Hill office (1926 Greentree Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003) (if documents are put in the mailbox, please advise us by
phone or email).
During these challenging times, we hope that you and your families stay safe. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.