New Jersey Bankruptcy Law Practice

New Jersery Foreclosure Laws

If you are behind on your mortgage payments, have been served with a notice of foreclosure letter, or have been served with mortgage foreclosure complaint, you have a very short time to respond. New Jersey Foreclosure laws allow a homeowner and borrower only thirty-five (35) days to response to a foreclosure complaint once the complaint is filed. Any delay may make the situation you are in worse, and if a borrower or homeowner fails to do anything at all, they face the possibility of losing their home without a fight.

If you are in this situation, we provide services to help you keep your house including:

If you would like to defend your foreclosure action, the first step is filing an answer to the complaint within the -five days allowed. This will prevent the court from awarding your lender a default judgment, which will allow your lender to foreclosure on your property. After we file an answer to the complaint, we recommend that all clients file for foreclosure mediation. Filing an answer to the complaint is still necessary even if you file for mediation, because if the mediation is not successful your house will ultimately wind up in a sheriff sale.

Mediation forms can be downloaded below:

Read articles on the subject of foreclosure:

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